
Welcome to the Hermannsburg School Guestbook!

A place where you can enter your own thoughts about the Hermannsburg School. If you have any history to share, please make an entry. Thank you to all who previously made an entry in my guestbook; sadly due to a technical fault all entries prior 2007 were lost.


  1. Russell Foote

    Memories / records of power generation installed/ upgraded at the Mission in late 50’s early 60’s?
    I am retracing my father’s involvement – are there records of when Peterborough Lutherans sponsored a trip to establish / improve electricity generation at the mission ?
    Project leader was Mr G Stapleton.
    Any details would be appreciated.

  2. Chris Burchett

    I first briefly visited Hermannsburg in 1969 and stayed again for a few weeks in 1972. I was a regular visitor in the 70s through 1990s and delight in the works of the H Painting school. I have treasured artworks by Ewalt N, Norman Rutara, Wenten Rubuntja and Henoch Raberaba. I had one painted by a colleague, Trigger Morgan but it seems to have been mislaid over the years. I will be visiting again in a couple of weeks.

  3. Neil

    Great to have one my father had in our house I would greatly appreciate any info on arnulf ebatarinja seems to be not much history written of the artist

  4. Jo-Anne Begent

    Can anyone tell me about Elva Cook from Injartnama. I have a painting by her. I can’t seem to find much about her doing many paintings. My painting seems to be quite old. Would love any info I can get about Elva’s paintings thanks

  5. patricia Hardman

    yes he is the Grandson of Albert.

  6. jeremy

    Hermannsburg Artists

    My mother (Australian) many years ago met the queen at a garden party. The queen confided that amongst her many works the Hermannsburg Artists were amongst here favourites as they captured the spirit of the Austrlalian landcape. Namatjira was her favourite artist (not sure which one) but she had a painting by Herbert Raberaba -a gift from a personal friend- in her bedroom.

  7. Carolyn Jupp

    John Landra water colour

    I have a water colour by John Landara which I bought at Hermannsburg Gallery in 1998-99.
    (It was for my mother but has now passed back to me).
    I notice on your website that you have some of his paintings with photos showing the works.
    They are similar to mine.

    When I bought it I was told that John Landara was a grandson of Albert Namatjira.
    I am trying to find out if this is correct and also some idea of the value of the painting.
    It is only a small water colour 59cm x 13cm.

    I have been searching the web without much success.
    can you help please?

  8. Jo Andrew

    Davy Inkamala

    A few years ago I bought a watercolour by Davy Inkamala. I could find no mention of him on the web or in various dictionaries of Australian Art. I emailed several Galleries in Australia but never heard back. I have since sold it at auction here in the UK but I am sad that he is not recognised on your site or anywhere else. It was of the usual mountains, valley floor and white gums, well painted and clearly signed. I hope you can trace his family and add him to your biographies. Good luck!

  9. Barbara Rose

    Otto Pareoultja paintings

    I was lucky enough to live in Canberra for 2yrs 1968 – 1970 and the family i was living with have a daughter who spent 6mths in Hermannsburg teaching and was very interested in Otto\’s paintings.When she left hermannsberg she bought a painting for my mother which ihave inherited.Do you have any idea of the value of Otto\’s paintings for 2012. My painting is roughly A1 ++ size.Iwould be grateful for any information, so i can write a piece about it, so the children will know what his paintings are about.Thank you in anticipation to anyone out there who can help me

  10. Mina

    I’m interested…

    Hi there.
    I am very interested in this school.

  11. Zoe Gamble

    Henoch Raberaba

    My family emigrated to Australia in 1958 and my father was a doctor at the Alice Springs hospital from September 1958 to March 1959.

    We lived next door to the hospital, sometime during that time my mother bought a painting from the artist who came to our door, I was there at the time, so it could have been during the school summer holidays, I was so pleased to find some information about this wonderful painter from your website, I treasure the painting. It brings back very happy memories of our time in Alice Springs.

  12. Jane

    Linda Namatjira

    Hi, I have just bought a lovely dot painting at an auction. It is approx 10×8. I removed the frame curious to see if there any clues to the artist on the back and found the name Linda Namatjira and the name of the painting “Two women sitting in a waterhole” Women is mispelled “wemon” Can anyone tell me if this would be Ewald’s daughter born in 1962?

  13. glenda.booth


    hi there i like your paintings, i’m from hermannsburg myself aswell

  14. phynea maher


    great concept!! fantastic to see and read on my grandmother Therese Pareroultja\’s brothers Otto, Ruben and Edwin. I remember Ruben vagely as I was very young when he passed away but I do have great memories of Edwin. I hadnt had the opportunity to meet Otto as he passed on befoere my time. Thank you for the wonderful stories that my grandmother always told us about her three famous brothers.
    We from time to time travel back to our homeland with the picturesque views that have been painted hundreds of times. We live next to the Finke river and have Mt Sonder as our backdrop.

  15. Nigel Forbes

    Rex Batterbee visit

    As a young boy in the late 50,s and early 60,s my father was posted as a bank manager to Darwin for several years. We visited an art gallery in Alice Springs and my mother being a lover of painting spent many hours there admiring the art and sculptures in the gardens. The results were some beautiful paintings that hang today in our home and some wonderful dot hand painted cards, rich in colour that also grace our home. They remain the basis of some wonderful memories of am impressional boy who cherishes his childhood of discovery in the top end.

  16. Michael

    Herbert Raberaba

    In 1973, as a new migrant to Australia, I visited Alice Springs where I was struck by the bright light and vibrant colours of the landscape. While there I purchased a painting that seemed to reflect the landscape very well; with a large ghost gum left of centre, a view down a valley and mountain ranges beyond. When I later settled in Melbourne the painting was suitably mounted and I have enjoyed it hanging on my lounge room wall ever since! I am delighted to discover your website and learn more about the painter and Hermannsburg. Thank you.

  17. Julie P

    Oscar Namitjira

    We all grew up in the Alice back in the 60\’s and have very fond memories of our childhood there. My mother used to help out at Hermannsberg Mission and an appreciative Oscar gave her ones of his lovley landscapes in about 1969. My mother is considering selling it, and I wanted to know if the school buys back old works of art. Please let me know how best to persue this. It is a very similar painting to the Henoch Raberaba one you have in your gallery.

    Thanks for the history…


    Julie P

  18. Keith Mc Gowan


    I have visited Hermannsburg twice. Most recently June 2006. My wife, Angela, and I cannot wait to return. We will.

  19. H Steve Cook


    I have just found this site and love it, as I do the Hermannsburg School of artists. It has been my passion for some time now and my wife and I have managed to collect some wonderful pieces from the old and new Hermannsburg artists. I wish we could afford to travel to Alice to see and hopefully purchase more works but alas, this hasn\’t happened yet. I continue to be amazed, and delighted at the natural ability that has been displayed by the artists with so little formal training. When I see the prices paid for some works these days I just hope that some of the original artists have profitted from their efforts.

    I would love to exchange chat and ideas on anything Hermannsburg, so if you should read this please feel free to contact me.

    cheers … H Steve Cook

  20. Anne

    Keith Namatjira

    I bought a painting of Keith Namatjira in 1959, which I treasure. I have just found this website and really enjoyed the paintings and particularly the history. I was a young fan of Albert’s work and visited the Alice in the hope of seeing him and his work. Unfortunately I was too late, but acquired a work of Keith’s instead. This has brought back many memories of my time in the outback. My daughter is Australian so I plan to return the painting to Australia, to be in her care. I am now a landscape artist myself and my Australian daughter and her son are following in my footsteps with their love of art. Thank You, Anne

  21. Chris and Lorena


    Great Site Chris.


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